Maharshi Badri Ayurveda/ Ayurvedic Medicine & Herbs for a Healthy Heart

Maharshi Badri Ayurveda/ Ayurvedic Medicine & Herbs to keep Heart Healthy

Ayurveda has always recognized that the human heart is basically two hearts: the physical heart that performs the function of a pump, and therefore the emotional heart that experiences joy and sadness and everything else.
It follows, then, that any problem the heart encounters also has two levels: physical and emotional. On the physical level, the accumulated undigested material, or ama, clogs the arteries. Free radicals bombard the system, impairing, among other things, the efficient functioning of the heart. On the mental and emotional levels, everyday stress can build up, releasing adrenaline that can damage the delicate fibers of the heart. According to Maharishi Badri Ayurveda, stress aggravates two vital subdoshas: Prana Vata, for mental overload, and Sadhaka Pitta, for emotional trauma.

Heart-Friendly Maharshi Badri Badri Ayurvedic Herbs/Medicine

The key Ayurvedic herbs for the heart work both physically and emotionally. Among the stars of heart care are Arjuna, Ashwagandha and Guggul. The supporting cast, including Gotu Kola and Shankhapushpi, also play vital roles. It is important to seek a synergistic and balanced combination of herbs.
Herbal formulations are demanding: they work best when the ingredients used are of the highest quality and combined correctly. In the best tradition of ancient healers, Maharishi Badri Ayurveda/Ayurvedic Medicine prepares its herbal formulations with the utmost precision. Its researchers are intimate with every part of the plants they use, be it root, stem, leaf, seed, bark, sap, or juice. They know the role each of these parts can play in promoting health or simply counteracting side effects. If the root, for example, has a powerful antibacterial ingredient, the leaf has a built-in antidote to counter the side effects of that ingredient. The result is a balanced and synergistic formulation that supports good health without harmful side effects.

Heart Plus PDR:

Maharshi Badri

  • Useful In Cardiac Weakness
  • Strengthens Heart & Reduce Heart Complications
  • Balances Hyper-Cholesterol & Artery Obstructions
  • Help In Regulating Irregular Heart Beats

Heartex Forte Granuales:

Maharshi Badri

  • Useful In Complications Of Heart
  • Helps To Reduce Weakness And Palpitation
  • Keeps Away Insomnia And Vertigo
  • Relieves Fatigue And Keep Heart Healthy

Down 90 Tablets:

Maharshi Badri

  • Useful to control High B.P
  • Most effective product to balancing heat beat.
  • Clear Ar-tries Regulations.

Hearto Plus Tablet:

Maharshi Badri

  • Helps To Reduce Cardiovascular Risk
  • Regulates Bad Cholesterol
  • Manages Palpitations And Relieve Fatigue
  • Useful In Vertigo And Insomnia Complications

Blockage H Tablets

Maharshi Badri

  • Supports Healthy Lipid Level
  • Relieves Cardiac Disorders
  • Protects From High Cholesterol And Hypertension
  • Helps In Normalizing Heart Rhythm

Cholest H Tablets
Maharshi Badri

  • Helps To Reduce Triglycerides & LDL Or Bad Cholesterol
  • Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disorders
  • Supports Easy And Smooth Blood Flow
  • Relieves Vertigo Complications

Council’s says “Tips For a Healthy Heart”

  •          Sleep on time sleeping well sets the tone for a cool, stress-free day. Include Poppyseed Chutney in your diet; for the recipe, visit the recipes section.
  •        Emotional trauma exacerbates Sadhaka Pitta, and one result may be waking up at night feeling restless and depressed. To calm your Sadhaka Pitta and aid the process of going back to sleep, drink a glass of cold milk with a tablespoon of Organic Rose Petal Cream.
  •          Don't skip meals.
  •         Include a little ground black pepper in your diet. Black pepper cleanses the body's channels and supports the free flow of oxygen to the brain, helping you stay composed but alert.
  •           Daily Ayurvedic massage, abhyanga, is useful to stimulate circulation and tone muscles.
  •           Start your morning with a stewed apple.
  •        Ayurveda recommends moderate exercise, especially yoga postures (Yogasanas) and breathing exercises (Pranayam). However, Ayurveda believes that there is too much exercise. Follow the Ayurvedic concept of balardha, or exercise in a way that uses half your energy and conserves the other 50%.
  •        Practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day, or use other relaxation techniques to manage stress.
Note: For more information and to purchase Maharshi Badri Ayurvedic medicine/ Herbs Medicine please logon the our official website that is


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